TO ensemble official website launched !

It is with great joy I share the beginning of a new journey with my dearest ensemble musician-friends. It's been 8 years since I started Tze n Looking Glass fusion band. 3 years ago we expanded to become a fusion orchestra and since then started collaborating with film and dance, and our main concerts have evolved to become journeys/experiences combining visuals, sound design, always staying true to bringing out the best of both worlds of composition and improvisation. We now have a repertoire of close to 100 pieces of original music for small ensembles to orchestra and have a core ensemble made up of professional musicians with a small orchestra consisting of musicians from all walks of life.

After 8 years, I felt it was a time for change, to re-focus the creative direction, energy of the group, a time for us to take another leap of faith forward. So here we are. I am excited and extremely proud to share that Tze n Looking Glass is now TO ensemble smile emoticon

There are too many people I want to thank who have made this ensemble, this journey possible. I would like to just mention a few remarkable musicians and dear friends who have always supported me and this project, believed in the music, this ensemble and always pushed us to do better, be brave, explore and create - Thank you Lazar Thurakkal Sebastine, Teo Boon Chye, Nana Mitome Sumitomo, Christina Xinxue Zhou, Christoph Wichert, Masato Miyata, Dai Da, Takako Tsurumi.

Thank you also to every other musician who has performed with us, been/are with us, and every friend who has helped us in one way or another smile emoticon

Let the new journey begin.


Visit TO ensemble Official Site


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